Handling Clients’ Objections

We have developed and used four training activities to help the participants with four steps of the sales process:

  1. Prospecting potential client

  2. Making a sales presentation

  3. Handling client’s objection

  4. Closing the sale

Here is the third activity in the series:


Participants organize themselves in groups of three and assume the roles of a judge, a skeptical client, and a salesperson. They conduct a roleplay in which the client presents sales objections and the salesperson handles them. The participants repeat the roleplays three times.


To effectively handle objections to sales presentations.


Any number, divided into triads.


15 – 20 minutes


  • Paper and pencil

  • Timer

  • Whistle


How To Handle Clients’ Objections


Individual assignment. Explain the importance of handling clients’ objections. Distribute copies of the handout and ask the participants to independently come up with additional ideas. Announce a 3-minute time limit.

Rehearse your conversation. At the end of 2 minutes, ask the participants to spend a few minutes to mentally rehearse handling clents’ objections.

Form triads. Organize the participants in groups of three.

Assign roles. In each group of three, ask one person to play the role of the judge. The person on the judge’s right side becomes a skeptical client and the other person becomes the sales objections.

Explain the roleplay. Ask the client and the salesperson to stand back-to-back (to better simulate the lack of visual feedback during a telephone call). Instruct the client to state their objections and the salesperson to handle these objections.

Begin the first round. Announce a 3-minute time limit for the client and the salesperson to have a conversation.

Conduct a critique session. After 3 minutes of the roleplayed telephone conversation, ask the client to comment on how the salesperson handled their objections. The salesperson listens to the critique and takes notes on how they could better handle future objections. Following the client’s feedback, ask the judge to provide additional ideas for handling the objections. Finally, ask the consultant to share their second thoughts on better handling future objections.

Repeat the process. At the end of 3 minutes, ask the participants to switch their roles. Ask the three participants to repeat the roleplay conversations and critiques as before.

Conclude the activity. Conduct the third and final round of the roleplay. Ask the participants to note down ideas for improving future conversations.


How To Handle Clients’ Objections

  1. Listen to the customer’s objections patiently and attentively. Avoid knee-jerk reactions.

  2. Treat the objection as a challenge that, if handled correctly, will get you the order.

  3. Ask, “Are there other reasons that are stopping you from buying?” Then reframe the conversation as a problem-solving activity.

  4. Prevent the customer from bringing out one objection after another. Ask the customer for the most important objection.

  5. If you are sure your price is fair and your products and services will help the customer, be ready to walk away after repeated objections.