Training Workshop Ground Rules

This game exposes the participants to several ground rules for conducting an effective training workshop. Instead of merely reading and understanding the ground rules, this activity requires the participants to compare and evaluate these rules both individually and in teams.


Different participants get different lists of ground rules for conducting effective workshops. Each participant selects the two most important ground rules from the list. Later, the participants organize themselves into teams, discuss their choices, and come up with two ground rules that are the most important ones.


To review a set of ground rules and select the most important ones


  • Minimum: 10

  • Maximum: 50

  • Best: 16–24


10–20 minutes


Seven different lists of Training Workshop Ground Rules

Supplies and Equipment

  • Timer

  • Whistle

Room Setup

Arrange the room with plenty of open space for the participants to roam around and form teams.


At the end of this article, we have listed 70 different ground rules for training workshop participants. Prepare seven different pages of 10 ground rules on each page. Print multiple copies of each page and stack them up for distribution


Distribute different lists. Give a single list to each participant.

Brief the participants. Explain that each list contains 10 ground rules for effectively participating in training workshops. Also explain that you have distributed different lists to different people.

Assign independent work. Ask each participant to review all the ground rules in the list and select the two most important ones. Announce a 3-minute time limit.

Share the selections.. Blow a whistle to announce the end of the 3 minutes. Ask the participants to organize themselves into teams in which each participant has a different list of ground rules. Ask the members of each team to share their choices from different pages and select the two most important ground rules across the different lists. Announce a 5-minute time limit.

Present the final choices. Ask the teams to take turns to identify its top two ground rules.

Training Workshop Ground Rules

 1.     During discussions, value other participants’ contributions.

2.     Attend the workshop with positive expectations.

3.     Arrive on time for the workshop. Return on time after breaks.

4.     Remember and use basic rules of brainstorming.

5.     Be direct and honest. Avoid hidden agendas.

6.     Give positive feedback to other people’s ideas.

7.     Keep an open mind. Expect to be surprised.

8.     Keep an open mind toward other people’s suggestions.

9.     Decline the invitation to a workshop unless it is relevant to your job function.

10.  Be brief when sharing relevant information and ideas.

11.  Be engaged all the time. But do not dominate the discussion.

12.  Do your homework. Read the background documents prior to the worrkshop.

13.  Avoid side conversations. Contribute to a single conversation.

14.  During group activities, avoid defensive behaviors and statements.

15.  Maintain intellectual humility.

16.  Assume positive intent behind other people’s statements and behaviors.

17.  Draw others out by asking questions.

18.  Understand other people’s perspectives. Respect different points of view.

19.  Ask questions for clarification. Don’t ask questions for attacking other people’s ideas.

20.  Avoid “Yes, but” conversations. Seek “Yes, and” approaches.

21.  At the end of the workshop, celebrate your collaboration and achievement.

22.  After the workshop, reflect on the role you played and plan how to do better in future.

23.  Do not leave the workshop early. Stay around to wrap things up.

24.  During discussions, don’t make abstract statements. Provide specific information and ideas.

25.  Make positive comments about other people’s ideas.

26.  Focus on the common goal of all participants. Abandon personal obsessions.

27.  Treat serious topics lightly. Don’t lose your sense of humor.

28.  During the discussions, do not talk when someone else is talking.

29.  Help to end the workshop on time.

30.  Be curious to learn about alternative perspectives.

31.  Celebrate different points of view during workshop discussions.

32.  Handle conflicts during discussions in a healthy way.

33.  Listen respectfully to the others without interrupting them.

34.  Relate new skills and knowledge from the workshop to your workplace.

35.  Be inclusive. Encourage others to participate.

36.  During discussions, challenge questionable assumptions and beliefs.

37.  You have a unique perspective on the training topic. Share this perspective with the others.

38.  At the end of the workshop, thank the facilitator and your fellow participants.

39.  Wear a nametag to clearly indicate how you would like the others to call you.

40.  Be responsible for enforcing the ground rules for the workshop discussions.

41.  Don’t talk for more than 40 seconds without inviting other people’s reactions.

42.  Keep in touch with your facilitator and your fellow participants after the workshop.

43.  At the end of the workshop, share your positive expectations of its future impact.

44.  Clearly identify your comments as facts or opinions.

45.  Speak up whenever the discussion strays from the agenda.

46.  Share your perspective and experience with others.

47.  Focus on applying new skills, not just memorizing information.

48.  Plan and implement follow-up activities after the workshop.

49.  Frequently remind yourself of the goal of the training workshop.

50.  During the workshop, carry out any responsibilities assigned to you.

51.  Maintain confidentiality. Whatever happens during the workshop stays in the room.

52.  Avoid multitasking. Turn off your electronic devices.

53.  At the end of the workshop, identify key takeaways and action items.

54.  Make sure that your comments are relevant to the goal of the workshop.

55.  Use “I” statements to take ownership of your ideas and perceptions.

56.  Do your part for staying on schedule.

57.  Develop action plans for new ideas and procedures from the workshop.

58.  Preserve your sense of humor. Be ready to laugh at your mistakes.

59.  Avoid judgmental reactions to other people’s ideas. Treat all ideas as valid and valuable.

60.  Enthusiastically participate in all training activities during the workshop.

61.  Listen actively to understand what the other participants are saying.

62.  Don’t worry about nitty-gritty details. Stay at the strategic level.

63.  Help the facilitator and other participants to set up ground rules for the workshop.

64.  Pay attention to the trainer’s objectives. Align them with yours.

65.  When suggesting new ideas, anticipate resistance among the others.

66.  Encourage diversity in ideas, perspectives, and preferences.

67.  Go with the flow. Detach yourself from preconceived outcomes you want to achieve.

68.  Take notes during the workshop. Refer to these notes during and after the workshop.

69.  Analyze and discuss ideas, not people.

70.  Introduce yourself to the others. Learn about other people’s background.