The Interactive Techniques for Improved Learning Conference (ITIL)

Save the dates: March 23 - 25, 2021.

Delivered on Zoom, ITIL will model our cutting edge approaches to live, online training.

Co-Organized with our friends at The Learning Gym Limited, and joined by many of our European partners and friends, (Alexander Schiller, Charles-Louis de Maere, Esther Richter, Marion FERLIN, and Yves Willems) this highly interactive program will model interactive training.

ITIL will equip you with strategies to make your training more engaging & effective. Sessions are 75 minutes and bring you tested and relevant topics. There are 18 sessions, all related to the design of activities, their delivery, and the overall evaluation of your training.

While the conference is delivered in English, there will be opportunities to network & socialize in your preferred language, as well as engage in one breakout session in French, German, Dutch, or Spanish.

ITIL is scheduled on CET time. Click here for detailed information & to register:

Image: Ch-L de Maere.