Spread the Vision

Most organizations display carefully crafted vision statements. They are usually drafted by committees in which a few dominant individuals dictate the final results. To prevent this, we use this activity to encourage maximum interactivity among the participants.



Ask the participants to independently write vision statements for the organization. Ask them to exchange their statement, identify the key words, and write them on sticky note paper, one word per note. Arrange the words on the wall and work in teams to create vision statements that incorporate as many of the key words as possible. Exchange the vision statements among the teams and edit and rewrite them.


To create a vision statement for an organization.


  • Minimum: 6

  • Maximum: Any number, divided into smaller groups

  • Best: 15 to 100


30 minutes to 2 hours


Collection of sample vision statements

Supplies and Equipment

  • Blank index cards

  • Pens

  • Sticky note paper

  • Flip-chart pads

  • Felt markers


Collect sample vision statements. Instead of explaining the features and functions of vision statements, compile a set of effective vision statements. A fast way to do this is to search the Internet for samples of vision statements.


Work independently. Distribute an index card to each participant. Ask the participants to write a personal vision statement for the organization. Announce a 3-minute time limit.

Exchange your vision. At the end of 3 minutes, blow the whistle and ask each participant to pass along the card with the vision statement to the person on the right.

Identify key words. Ask each participant to review the card and circle five key words or phrases. Next, ask the participant to copy these key words on a piece of sticky note paper, one word (or phrase) per note.
Arrange the words. Ask the participants to place the keyword notes on the wall in an approximately alphabetical order.

Remove duplicates. Ask the participants to remove notes with duplicate words. Also ask them to identify close synonyms and remove one of the words.

Organize teams. Divide the participants into teams of 3 to 6 members each. Ask each team to collaboratively create a vision statement, using as many of the key words as possible. Permit the team members to add as many connecting words (articles, prepositions, conjunctions, and different forms of the verb to be) as needed.

Exchange and edit. Ask the teams to exchange their vision statements, edit them, and rewrite them. Also encourage the teams to join with each other and combine their vision statements.