Profile of an Effective Trainer

Interactive storytelling activities encourage the participants to create their own stories and share them with each other. It also rewards the participants to modify, expand, shrink, analyze, and debrief these stories.

The key elements of a story include theme, plot, characters, and setting. Here is an interactive storytelling activity that focuses on character. This activity deals with the desirable characteristics of an effective trainer.


Participants individually create profiles of an effective trainer—and an ineffective one. Later, they identify the desirable qualities of an effective trainer through team discussions.


To identify desirable characteristics and behaviors of an effective trainer.


Minimum: 2

Maximum: Any number

Best: 8 to 30


15 to 45 minutes


  • Create a Profile of an Effective Trainer

  • Create a Profile of an Ineffective Trainer


  • Paper

  • Pens or pencils


  • Timer

  • Whistle


Reproduce the handouts, one for creating an effective trainer and the other for creating an ineffective trainer. Reproduce an equal number of copies of the two handouts.


Brief the participants. Explain that this activity involves creating stereotypical characters for a soap opera. Reassure the participants that they need not write complete descriptions of the characters. All they have to do is to jot down enough details about a desirable trainer—or an undesirable one.

Distribute the instruction sheets. Explain that some participants would create profiles of desirable trainers and the others would create undesirable ones. Randomly pass out equal numbers of the two instruction sheets to the participants.

Create the characters. Announce a 3-minute time limit to create a character who is the assigned type of trainer. Start a timer; stop the activity at the end of 3 minutes.

Organize teams. Assign the participants to teams of four to six members. Make sure that each team has equal numbers of members who have been assigned desirable and undesirable trainers.

Create the effective trainer. Ask someone in each team to suggest the characteristics of an effective trainer based on the profile that he or she created. Ask the others to add more details to the description of this effective character.

Create the ineffective trainer. Encourage the creators of ineffective trainer profiles to jump in and suggest characteristics to be avoided if the trainer is to be a desirable one.

Continue the discussion. Encourage different members of each team to suggest other desirable attributes to be added and undesirable ones to be avoided.

Conclude the discussion. Ask the participants to identify the top five desirable characteristics of the effective trainer and list them on a sheet of paper. Also ask them to be ready with examples of behaviors associated with these characteristics.

Share the conclusions. Ask each team to take turns to announce and explain one of the characteristics in their list. Continue with additional items until all teams have exhausted their lists.

Suggest a personal follow up. Invite each participant to compare himself or herself with the list of effective trainer characteristics and select an item for personal improvement. Encourage the participants to come up with an action plan for their professional development.

Play Samples

In a recent session, Michelle was asked to create a desirable trainer. Here’s an edited version of the profile she created:

Karine. Focuses on the learners. Has specific training objectives. Emphasize the application of new principles and procedures. Facilitates learning activities. Does not lecture too much. Encourages the participants to generate their own content. Relates the training to job performance and business results. Asks a variety of open and closed questions. Explains how the training will contribute to the participants’ professional growth. Debriefs the participants during and after each training activity. Asks the participants to suggest changes to the learning activities. Uses a variety of content resources. Incorporates suitable improvements to the training activities at the end of each session.

In the same session, Alex was to create an undesirable trainer. Here’s the profile he created:

Janet. Focuses on the subject matter. Ignores questions and inputs from the participants. Emphasizes the ability to recall the information presented during her presentations. Considers learning activities as a waste of time. Displays hundreds of cluttered PowerPoint slides with crowded text. Does not relate the training to job performance. Discourages the participants from referring to outside resources. Distributes a useless smile sheet for evaluation at the end of session. Ignores the feedback data.


Create a Profile of an Effective Trainer

Imagine that you are writing a soap opera featuring a hero who is an effective trainer.

Create a profile of this trainer in an outline form. Use your imagination, experience, and knowledge to create this character. Make your trainer a likable and engaging person.

There is no standard formula for describing your hero. However, here is a set of random categories to prompt your creative exploration: achievements, attitudes, biographical background, competencies, habitual behaviors, goals, hidden agenda, personality traits, and strengths.

Don’t worry about writing up this desirable character in correct and complete sentences. Just jot down a few key words for your own benefit. Then think about this wonderful trainer so he or she becomes real in your mind. Get ready to describe your character to the others.


Create a Profile of an Ineffective Trainer

Imagine that you are writing a soap opera featuring a deplorable villain who is an ineffective trainer.

Create a profile of this trainer in an outline form. Use your imagination, experience, and knowledge to create this character. Make your villain an incompetent and ineffective trainer.

There is no standard formula for describing your villain. However, here are a set of random categories to prompt the creative exploration of this character: ambitions, arrogance, attitudes, biographical background, weaknesses, bad habits, hidden agenda, personality defects, manipulative behaviors, and cynical perceptions.

Don’t worry about writing up this undesirable character in correct and complete sentences. Just jot down a few key words for your own benefit. Then think about this undesirable trainer so he or she becomes real in your mind. Get ready to describe your character to the others.