Thiagi's Tweets: Flourishing from Feedback

Every day, Thiagi tweets ready-to-use pieces of practical advice on different topics such as facilitation, listening skills, communication, leadership, productivity, training, and management.

Here are some recent pieces of advice about flourishing from feedback that were re-tweeted frequently:

  • Giving feedback is an important skill. Getting feedback -- and using it -- is a more important skill.
  • Be specific when you ask for feedback. List the critical factors about which you would like the feedback provider to comment.
  • Blamed for factors beyond your control? Accept your share of responsibility and ask for help to analyze the total system.
  • Don’t let people abuse you while giving feedback. Defend yourself assertively when people unleash a barrage of unjustified accusations.
  • When you ask several people for suggestions, indicate that you will appreciate all inputs but will not be able to implement all of them.
  • Ask if you are going to be rated, rebuked, praised, ordered, advised, or coached. This clarification helps you and the feedback giver.