You can buy two of my best-selling books from
- Jolts! Activities to Wake up and Engage Your Participants $41.71
- More Jolts! 50 Activities to Wake up and Engage Your Participants $56.00
As a special offer for this month, we are selling both of these books for $50 plus shipping and handling directly in our online store. (If your address is in the US, the shipping charges will be around $10, depending on your location.)
A jolt is an engaging learning activity that lasts for a brief period of time and illustrates one or more important learning points.
Together, these two books contain a total of 100 jolts. Each jolt has the following features:
- It provides valuable insights.
- It is highly engaging.
- It energizes the participants.
- It incorporates a hands-on experience.
- It forces you to think—and to share your insights.
- It can be debriefed to emphasize learning points that are relevant to your participants.
- It lasts for less than 5 minutes
- It can be used before, during, and after other training activities.
In addition to the 50 jolts, the first book contains chapters on selecting, conducting, and debriefing a jolt. The second book contains an extensive section on debriefing and includes 10 different games for debriefing the jolts.
The special offer (both books for $50 plus shipping) is available only during the month of March, 2016. You can order this double pack at our online store.