How To Use Faster, Cheaper, and Better Techniques To Design
Effective, Efficient, and Engaging Training
Twenty years ago, Thiagi went cold turkey and quit using his grandparents’ ADDIE instructional-design model. Rather than just attacking the traditional model, he came up with an alternative that combines best practices from design thinking, creativity process, improv techniques, agile methodology, and cognitive sciences. His associates and hundreds of workshop participants have used this approach to design corporate training materials in a faster and cheaper fashion to produce more effective application to the workplace. In this walk-the-talk workshop, learn how design effective, efficient, and engaging learning packages that produce business results and professional growth.
Who Will Benefit from this Workshop?
- Instructional Designers
- Trainers
- Teachers
- Performance Consultants
- Facilitators
- Webinar I: Friday, June 26, 12:00 pm EDT to 1 pm EDT
- Webinar II: Wednesday, July 1, 12:00 pm EDT to 1 pm EDT
- Webinar III: Friday, July 10, 12:00 pm EDT to 1 pm EDT
- Webinar IV: Friday, July 17, 12:00 pm EDT to 1 pm EDT
- Webinar V: Friday, July 24, 12:00 pm EDT to 1 pm EDT
- Webinar VI: Friday, July 31, 12:00 pm EDT to 1 pm EDT
How Will you Benefit from this Workshop?
After completing this workshop and the follow-up activities, you will rapidly and inexpensively design performance-based training materials that effectively and consistently produce measurable business results.
What Skills and Knowledge Will You Acquire in this Workshop?
Here are the specific performance outcomes of the six modules of this workshop:
1. ABCD: An Experiential Introduction to RRID
- Experience a training activity that was created with the the RRID approach.
- Deconstruct this activity and apply its structure to produce your own training activities.
- Relate this training activity to the RRID principles.
2. Training as Performance Improvement
- Specify the outcomes of a training package in terms of business results, on-the-job performance, learning outcomes (skills, knowledge, and attitude), and learning process.
- Select suitable performance improvement interventions to support a training package.
- Identify and apply RRID principles that focus on performance improvement.
3. Step by Step
- Identify, integrate, and apply best practices from design thinking, creativity processes, improv techniques, agile methodology, and cognitive science for the development of faster, cheaper, and better training.
- Combine, omit, modify, and rearrange the RRID steps, and apply them effectively at the lesson, module, and course levels.
- identify the purposes and phases of evaluation and integrate evaluation steps with all other activities.
4. Content, Activities, and Objectives
- Adopt and adapt different types of existing content resources. Incorporate the content inside appropriate training activities and objectives.
- Use validated templates to rapidly design effective and engaging training activities.
- Rapidly modify training activities to suit the local resources, constraints, and preferences.
5. Changing the Roles
- Enhance mutual learning by designing activities that transform the participants into trainers, coaches, evaluators, instructional designers, and subject-matter experts.
- Improve the effectiveness of the instructional design and delivery by transforming trainers into facilitators and co-designers.
- Change your role into subject-matter expert, author, evaluator, and project manager to speed up the design process.
6. Elearning and Virtual Classrooms
- Select and adapt a suitable LOLA (Live Online Learning Activity) templates to increase and improve interactivity in your virtual classroom sessions.
- Adapt and apply the 4-Door ™ approach to rapidly design elearning modules that are effective and engaging.
- Blend instructor-led training, virtual classroom training, and elearning to speed up the design process and improve learning outcomes.
This Workshop Is Designed by Thiagi and Matt (and They Deliver It)
Thiagi (aka Dr. Sivasailam Thiagarajan) has been designing and delivering training for the past 40 years since the early days of programmed instruction. He has also written over 50 books on the subject. Matt (President of The Thiagi Group) was trained by Thiagi 20 years ago and has been designing and working with him ever since. International authorities on performance improvement, they have produced award-winning training materials for various corporations and nonprofit organizations around the world. Specializing in interactive techniques for training, they have designed hundreds of training activities, keynoted at several training conferences, and conducted training workshops around the world.