THE LOLA (Live Online Learning Activities) SERIES 2025


THE LOLA (Live Online Learning Activities) SERIES 2025

from $150.00


This workshop series, split over 12 months (3 hours each) on ZOOM , walks the talk and teaches you to use different types of training activities in live, online settings.

Join us for one session, any sessions, or all sessions. The choice is yours. Each session will fit together as one large program, but they also work independently, as well. Each session is also recorded with easy access to to both the video and materials if you can't make one you want to attend. Those who buy the entire series will also have access to the 2024 series videos and materials on topics not focused on this year (12 different LOLA strategies).

Throughout, we will provide you with a conceptual framework for LOLAs (as a video pre-program with an asynchronous activity), as well as countless activities you can modify and adapt to your own online training sessions.

LOLAs are Live, Online Learning Activities. They are the activities you use during a Live, Online Training workshop (LOT).

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You will learn activities for technical, management, sales, and interpersonal content. Thiagi and Matt will use these activities to also teach you how to adapt them to best fit your needs, handle difficult participants, and decide which activity will best work with your training objectives. By the end of the entire program, you will:

  • Identify how to leverage activities to best meet your training objectives.

  • Use more than 10 online activities to design and deliver your own live online training sessions, but get exposure to at least 50 activities (if you take the entire series).

  • Apply different types of activities to your trainings: Improv, Job Aids, Physical LOLAs, Thought Experiments, Sampling LOLAs, Table LOLAs, Video LOLAs, Audio LOLAs, Object Simulations, Role play LOLAs, Graphic LOLAs, and Puzzles LOLAs.

  • Reference and learn at your own pace, LOLAs from the previous 2024 LOLA series like: Openers and Closers, Structured Sharing, Textra Games, Interactive Lectures, Interactive Storytelling, Jolts, Production Simulations, Card & Board Games, Cash Games, Debriefing Games, and more.

  • Modify these activities to meet the needs of your live online training sessions.

  • Explore the differences and similarities between live online activity delivery and in-person activity delivery.

  • Identify and mitigate risks associated with online delivery.

EMAIL Matt with any questions at


Be sure to select the session you want when registering.



  • Trainers

  • Facilitators

  • Presenters

  • Instructional Designers

  • Coaches

  • Professors

  • Teachers

  • Anyone who uses Zoom (or other platforms) and wants them more interactive


  • A copy of the 2nd Edition of LOLA: Live Online Learning Activities by Thiagi and Matt containing more than 50+ activities and much more.

  • Access to the session recordings for all sessions you purchase.

  • With the complete series, you get access to the 2024 LOLA series’ videos and materials— of 12 completely different LOLAs.


  • Each session costs $150 US.

  • Or, you can purchase all 12 sessions for $750 US.


Your home. Your office. Your computer. Or, your iPad or iPhone (There are other types of devices?).

This entire 12-session series will be delivered live online using ZOOM. You will need video capability on your device, good WIFI, and a comfy chair. Feel free to wear your pajamas.


All sessions take place from 09h00 to 12h00 Eastern Time (New York time). You can sign up for any number of session, or take advantage of the who package and take them all!

  • SESSION ONE: JANUARY 21, 2024: Improv

  • SESSION TWO: FEBRUARY 25, 2024: Job Aids

  • SESSION THREE: MARCH 25, 2024: Physical LOLAs

  • SESSION FOUR: APRIL 22, 2024: Thought Experiments

  • SESSION FIVE: MAY 20, 2024: Sampling LOLAs

  • SESSION SIX: JUNE 17, 2024: Table LOLAs

  • SESSION SEVEN: JULY 22, 2024: Video LOLAs

  • SESSION EIGHT: AUGUST 19, 2024: Audio LOLAs

  • SESSION NINE: SEPTEMBER 16, 2024: Object Simulations

  • SESSION TEN: OCTOBER 21, 2024: Role Play LOLAs

  • SESSION ELEVEN: NOVEMBER 18, 2024: Graphic LOLAs



Each session focuses on a specific LOLA strategy. During the session, we will explain what the strategy is, and how it helps you achieve your specific learning objective. Sessions walk the talk, using LOLAs in that LOLA category. We will model the activity, debrief how we used it, and explore how you might adapt it. These 12 LOLA strategies are 12 we have not delivered in the past as a part of this series. So, it is all new stuff! If you have take previous LOLA programs with us… these will complement, but not repeat. If you have never take a LOLA session with us, you will get all of these, plus access to the content from our previous 2024 series.

By the end of each session, you will have experienced at least five activities of the topic LOLA category.


Improv LOLAs are activities adapted from improvisational theater. The actors do not use a script but create the dialogue and action as they perform a skit to master skills in such areas as creativity, collaboration, communication, and change.

Job-Aid Application involves supplying participants with copies of a job aid for performing a specific procedure. Different participants learn different steps and organize themselves into teams to share their step and learn the other steps. 

Physical Response LOLA involves the participants using parts of their body in responding to questions or instructions. 

Thought Experiment LOLAs involve guided visualizations in which individual participants mentally rehearse new behaviors or hold imaginary dialogues. Combined with self-reflection, these activities result in increased self-awareness.

Sampling LOLA involves a collection of different examples (such as e-mail subject lines, conference session descriptions, or lead paragraphs). Participants analyze the samples and apply their discoveries to create and use a checklist to create new samples that meet their needs. 

Table Construction LOLAs help participants to learn from reviewing tables of information and recalling useful facts, discovering interesting relationships, and predicting outcomes. 

Video LOLAS enhance the instructional value of training videos by requiring the participants watch a video and take part in an activity that reviews and applies new concepts and skills. 

Audio LOLAs  primarily depend on recorded audio messages  to provide the training content, structure the training activity, and collect the participants’ responses. Think of podcasts and other audio-based content sources.

Object Simulation LOLAs provide the participants with convenient graphic objects for simulating procedures and principles.

Role Play LOLAs involve the participants in assuming and practicing various interpersonal engagements. 

Graphic LOLAs incorporate photographs, paintings, drawings, or diagrams as essential instructional elements. Some graphic LO LAs require the participants to create these graphics. 

Puzzle LOLAS incorporate different types of word, number, or graphic puzzles to entice the participants to use their knowledge of the training topics to solve them and strengthen their mastery of the training objectives. 


Thiagi (aka Dr. Sivasailam Thiagarajan) has been designing and delivering training for the past 40 years since the early days of programmed instruction. An international authority on performance improvement, Thiagi has produced award-winning training materials for various corporations and nonprofit organizations around the world. Specializing in interactive techniques for training, Thiagi has designed hundreds of training activities, written over 50 books on the topic, keynoted training conferences, and conducted training workshops in more than 20 countries.

Matt Richter is the President of The Thiagi Group and the Co-Director of LDA (The Learning Development Accelerator), a professional membership group for people in the learning and development field. He is a facilitator, game designer, instructional designer, and management consultant. Matthew has consulted and delivered training with many organizations including Grant Thornton, Twilio, VMWare, SanDisk, Redwood Trust, CenturyLink, Imerys, EA, Microsoft, Carolina Power and Light, IGT, Cadence Design Systems, and Sony. His book, The Leadership Story: A New Model for Leadership was published in 2016.  In 2020, he co-authored, LOLA: Live Online Learning Activities with his partner, Sivasailam Thiagarajan (Thiagi). Most recently, the two published Interactive Techniques for Learning. Matt is both an <<auteur et intervenant>> teaching leadership at EMLyon, in France, as a part of their executive MBA program.