We have developed many types of card games over the years, but our two favorite kinds are PRACTICAL ADVICE CARD (PAC) games and FLUENCY CARD (FC) games.
PACs contain 52 cards. Each card contains a single piece of practical advice. We have developed over 25 games related to these decks for 30 topics. Some of the games are solitaire games. And, some are for hundreds of players. Some are quick hits, and some take more time as players explore the advice for their specific topic. Topics include: Motivation, Customer Service, Coaching, Management Essentials, Facilitation Skills, Critical Thinking, Listening Skills, Rapid Instructional Design, and many more.
FC is one game with many variations. Participants list items about a topic, they compare concepts about their topic, they draw symbols and pictures about their topic, and they even role play! FC is a competitive game that is so engaging that players rarely want to stop playing. We have over 25 topics. The facilitator's guide has multiple variations of play, as well.
And, now available, NETWORKING: A CARD GAME!